Congratulation!!! Ranking 25 on Best Japanese hotel/ryokan
Hotelkinki has been ranked 25 on 「Best Japanese hotel/ryokan by word-of-mouth」 which released by, a free travel guide and research website that over 30 million trusted traveler's reviews & opinions gathered.
congrats! i recently posted a very positive review of our time spent at hotel kinki, and we will definately stay with you on our next trip to osaka! thankyou for providing a wonderful hotel ;)
Congrats Hotel Kinki! You guys deserve it, you helped us out so much when we were trying to book Shakalabbits tickets while we were staying there. Your level of service and comfort are outstanding! Thanks from two Aussies now sadly back home.
congrats! i recently posted a very positive review of our time spent at hotel kinki, and we will definately stay with you on our next trip to osaka! thankyou for providing a wonderful hotel ;)
ReplyDeleteCongrats Hotel Kinki! You guys deserve it, you helped us out so much when we were trying to book Shakalabbits tickets while we were staying there. Your level of service and comfort are outstanding! Thanks from two Aussies now sadly back home.